Counting Down the Days!

Whoah!  Where did all the time go?  Is the wedding really only a week and a half away?!  I feel like I should be a lot more stressed than I am.  I have either really been organized enough that everything is falling into place, or I am successfully blocking out all of the planning shortcomings from my mind.  Either way, I am enjoying the time right now.  

I have the final dress fitting tomorrow and I'm picking up the dress.  This will be followed by some whirl-wind beauty appointments this week such as power tanning, pedicure and manicure.  Should be interesting.  but fun to get all dolled up!  

Also excited about getting a new stereo installed into the new car courtesy of Aunt Ann & Uncle Don as well as Jeremiah!  Fantastic Christmas present!  And just in time for our cross country trip!  We can use bluetooth for phone calls and play music from my iPhone on it too!

I did manage to send out a schedule for the wedding this week.  I certainly do seem like like a bridezilla when I send out a three page schedule of events.  But that is really me, so oh well.  I am a bit of a planner so to speak.  Luckily that is what I do for a job too lol.

Anyways, I will try to post on here during the coming week about the thoughts and things that lead up to the wedding! Ciao!

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